
Meet the Governors

Financial Information


Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000.


Please click here to view our School's Financial Data:





The role of the Governing Body is defined under the Education Act 2002 as:


The Governing Body shall conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school.


The Governing Body has specific legal responsibilities, and its main tasks are:


·     To provide a strategic view

·     To support and challenge

·     To ensure accountability


The Governing Body has a duty to present an annual report to the parents.


There are 4 main types of Governors plus the Headteacher:


Parent governors ­ they are elected by parents of children at the school and they are responsible for ensuring links with parents.


Co-opted governors ­ they are elected by the Governing Body from members of the local community and they are responsible for ensuring links with the community.


Local Authority governors ­ they apply to the Local Authority to become Governors and are then appointed to a school to represent the interest of the Local Authority.


Teacher governors ­ a representative from the teaching staff to ensure links with staff.


If you have any questions about anything to do with the school in the first instance you should always contact the staff and/or headteacher at the school.  However, if you feel that there is something appropriate to the Governing Body then you may contact any of the members that you feel appropriate.


The Governing Body for Buriton School is made up as follows:


Chair - Dr Tom Cooper

Vice Chair - Mr Peter Staple

Clerk - Mrs Helen Evison


Parent Governors:

Mr Peter Staple,

Position:  Vice Chair of Full Governing Body and Building & Sites Committee member

Term of Office:  16.06.21 - 15.05.25

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  None

Meetings Attending 2022/2023: FGB - 5/5, B&S - 2/3


Mrs Hannah Griffiths

Position: Curriculum Committee Member

Term of Office:  18.09.23 - 17.09.27

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  None (Mother of current pupil)

Meetings Attended: None for 2022/2023




Co-opted Governors:

Mr Simon Clark

Position:  Member of Building & Sites Committee

Term of Office:  23.03.21 - 22.03.25

Register of Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  None 

Meetings Attended:  FGB - 2/5, B&S Committee - 3/3


Doctor Tom Cooper

Position:  Chair of Governors

Term of Office:  12.07.21-11.07.25

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary:  None

Meetings Attended: FGB - 5/5, B&S - 2/3, Curriculum - 3/3, F&P - 3/3


Ms Lesley Hussell

Position: Chair of Curriculum Committee & Member of Head's PM Panel

Term of Office: 22.03.20 - 21.03.24

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  None

Meetings Attended: FGB - 4/5, Curriculum - 2/3




Local Authority Governors:

Mr Nathan Kalaher

Position:  Chair of Finance & Personnel Committee

Term of Office:  12.01.21 - 11.01.25

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  None

Meetings Attended: FGB - 2/5, F&P - 3/3


Staff Governor:

Mrs Clare Evans

Position:  Member Curriculum Committee

Term of Office:  26.09.21 - 25.09.24

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  Yes - Husband provides tennis lessons to pupils in the Summer Term

Meetings Attended: FGB - 5/5, Curriculum - 3/3



Mrs Danielle Brown

Position: Headteacher, Member B & S Committee and F & P Committee, Adviser to the Pay Committee

Term of Office:  15.07.15 - current

Register Interest (Business, Personal & Pecuniary):  Yes - Husband provides IT Services to the school and is also a supply teacher




Diversity Statement


As a school, we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation.  We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
  • address potential 'blind spots' by seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks


However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our Governing body are identifiable.


