This is where you will find some useful videos in the video centre and also where you can access our blog and share your work for us to see! Home Learning activities can be accessed from the 'Class pages' tab, then click of your child's class page.
Within this zone you will see;
A Video Centre where you will find videos of learning resources, activities and guidance on how to approach tasks.
A Class Blog which is where we will communicate with you. You can access your class blog and post questions or comments you have about the activities you are completing, share work you are proud of, or tell your class about what you've been doing. In order to access the blog and start to communicate with your teacher you will require your blogging username and password which will be provided via a letter from Mrs Brown.
The blog platform can only be used by members of our school, and can only be viewed by people who are logged in. All profiles, posts and comments will be checked by class teachers before going 'live', so please ALWAYS keep to our strict rules of respect, kindness and politeness.