Welcome back to a new school year! It's lovely to see you all and to be able to mix with other classes at playtime. Finally a sense of 'normality' has returned.
Please find weekly homework posted below. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you Mrs Evans
Until the end of this half term I would like you to pick one activity a week from the grid below.
Remember to hand one in every Wednesday
This week we have been learning about decimals and fractions. For your homework I would like you to complete 1 (or 2) of the sheets above - Green, Orange, Red and Blue - and bring them into school for next Wednesday (28.4.21).
If possible stick them into your homework book.
Lockdown Learning
Welcome back to our Home learning for the next few weeks.
Below you will find a learning overview for this half term followed by a timetable for the following week. I will be uploading planning and resources daily as well as recordings of me reading and teaching on the video blog.
I hope you are all well and staying safe. I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
With love
Mrs Evans x
Welcome to Pearls