Hello Emeralds!
We hope that you have had a lovely break and well-earned rest over half-term. We are excited to see you all again and although we know the end is in sight, we will continue as we have been and take each week as it comes, with the hope that it will not be too much longer before we can see you all again back in school. You have all been amazing and worked so hard over the last few weeks, we are super proud of all of you.
So we will continue to upload the work on to here each day and we would really like to see all of you everyday at our Zoom meetings, which will remain at the same times everyday. It not only allows us to go through the activities with you, but it is really important to try and maintain daily routines as much as possible. It is also equally important to continue to see your friends everyday as you would in class...and us too of course.
With so much of our learning being online, please don't forget to find ways to stay active and get outside for some fresh air each day. Fingers crossed with Spring on its way, this will get a little bit easier.
We would like you to continue to read for at least half an hour each day and try to log this into your reading diaries, so that we can celebrate when you return to school and receive lots of goodies from Mrs Brown's box of prizes. We would also like you to be practising your times tables using TT Rockstars at least twice a week (we have your logins if you need them).
Just remember to look after yourselves and each other.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Holloway and Mrs Carrick x
Practise your times tables for at least 20 minutes using TT Rockstars. If you would also like to test yourself as we would in class, the sheets are further down this page, or we could email them to you.