All parents are warmly invited to join this magnificent group of volunteers who support the school. Their ‘sterling’ efforts benefit all of the children and this is greatly appreciated by parents, staff and governors. The Friends organise a variety of events throughout the year culminating in a thriving summer fair during the summer term. Funds raised by the Friends have provided many ‘extras’ for the children including:
Transport for all school trips including swimming programme and Pantomime
New books
New library shelving / storage
Interactive whiteboards
The Timber Trail
Living Willow Structure
Playground Equipment
Requests for funding from the Friends can be made by downloading the form at the bottom of the page.
In addition to fund-raising the Friends come up with some wonderful and creative ideas, especially for the Christmas Fair making and wrapping gifts for pupils to give to their family members. If you would like to join the Friends look out for details of their AGM or catch them in the playground. Their current ideas and activities can be found by downloading a copy of their latest newsletter:
What else can I do to help the school?
Many parents and friends of the school volunteer to help the children with their reading experience and this is rewarding both for the children and helpers. We are also keen to use the talents of parents and other members of the community and there are many other ways of volunteering to help e.g. the gardening club (an after school club run by a parent). All regular volunteers are checked via the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) in keeping with school policy. If you can offer to help, please discuss this with the Head Teacher.
Parents can also raise funds for the school by registering with the Easy Fundraising Website. Click here for further information or speak to a member of the Friends Association in the playground.
Friends of Buriton Primary School Meetings
Meetings are held regularly by the Friends, at least every half term, to discuss forthcoming events and any new ideas for events. If you would like to run an event then please complete the form below and speak to a member of the committee: